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  • Ivans Pilsnerbar 4 Järnmalmsgatan Göteborg, Västra Götalands län, 417 07 Sweden (se karta)

We welcome you to the first edition of SHADES at Ivans Pilsnerbar, a monthly concept presented by Bomström, one of the most respected DJs in the gbg underground. As a member of Locus Soundsystem he has pawed the way for the underground house scene already for half a decade. But he is also the driving force of the legendary Tillvaron decadances. Those who have seen him in the dj-booth know he is always working hard in there, technically as well as when it comes to his selections. Because Bomström is not the kind of dj who makes it easy for himself by sticking to the same style and bpm throughout the night. Is it house or is it techno? - The whole point for Bomström is about making the dancer think less about such questions and focusing on all the essentials instead. Like partying, for instance! This style of DJing has brought him to festivals and clubs in many different countries, such as Germany, Great Britain, Poland as well as to all the Nordic countries.

For the opening night Bomström is gonna be on a 4h solo mission which means he is in the need for backup so come join us.

It’s free entrance!

15 oktober

Anthony Lappas B2B David Njie

29 oktober

John H